Where Every Stitch Tells a Story

The Keck Custom Process

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Chiang Mai, Lucky’s tailoring shop stands as a testament to the art of bespoke tailoring, bridging the rich textures of Nepal with the spirited essence of Thailand. For over two decades, Lucky has woven a tapestry of tradition, craftsmanship, and personal connection into the fabric of his work.

Here’s how we make your tailoring experience truly one-of-a-kind:

Explore our Process

Personalized Consultations
Phase 1: Personalized Consultations

A Meeting of Cultures and Crafts

From the moment you step into Lucky’s, you’re embraced by the warmth of a shop that’s more than just a business—it’s a crossroads of cultures and stories. Lucky, with his Nepalese heritage and years of Thai residency, offers not just tailoring, but a blend of perspectives that enriches every garment.

  • Personalized Consultations: Lucky believes in the power of conversation to bring your vision to life. Whether you’re looking for a suit that stands out or a dress that dances with you, Lucky listens and crafts with your story in mind.
  • Curated Fabric Selection: With fabrics handpicked for their quality and character, from Nepalese pashminas to Thai silk, Lucky guides you through choosing the perfect material that speaks to your lifestyle and the occasion.
  • Tailoring with Heart: Every cut, stitch, and fitting is imbued with Lucky’s dedication to excellence and his joy in tailoring. It’s not just about measurements; it’s about making sure you feel confident and comfortable in your bespoke piece.
Sustainability and Tradition
Phase 2: Sustainability and Tradition

Craftsmanship That Speaks Volumes

Lucky’s approach combines the meticulousness of his craft with the relaxed atmosphere of his shop. It’s a place where laughter is shared, stories are exchanged, and the focus is always on creating something wonderful together.

  • Attention to Detail: Lucky’s eye for detail, honed over years of practice, ensures that every garment is a masterpiece of fit, form, and function.
  • A Journey Together: From the initial sketch to the final fitting, Lucky is with you every step of the way, ready to adjust and refine until your garment is exactly as you envisioned.
  • Sustainability and Tradition: In a world rushing towards fast fashion, Lucky stands firm in his commitment to sustainable practices and the preservation of tailoring traditions.
Aftercare and Advice
Phase 3: Aftercare and Advice

Beyond the Stitch

What makes Lucky truly unique is the community he’s built around his shop. Clients return not just for the exceptional tailoring, but for the sense of belonging and the genuine care Lucky extends to everyone who walks through his door.

  • Aftercare and Advice: Lucky’s relationship with his clients doesn’t end when they leave the shop. He’s always there to offer care tips, adjustments, or just a cup of tea and a chat.
  • A Fabric of Friendships: More than a tailor, Lucky has become a friend to locals and travelers alike, weaving his clients’ diverse experiences into the very heart of his business.

Lucky’s Tailoring: Crafted with Care, Worn with Pride

In Chiang Mai, Lucky’s isn’t just a destination for bespoke tailoring; it’s a place where every garment tells the story of its wearer, crafted by a tailor who believes in the beauty of blending traditions, the importance of sustainability, and the joy of creating something truly special. Visit Lucky’s, and become part of a story that extends well beyond the seams.